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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Kumpulan Seial Number

serial number PES


Serial number the sims


serial number warcraft III


serial number ms office


Serial Number Photoshop








Serial Number Win Xp








Windows 7 manager

Name: Mulder s/n: 11111-11111-11111-8BECC

Sistem Rem

Rem di rancang untuk mengurangi kecepatan (memperlambat) dan manghentikan kendaraan atau untuk mamungkin kan parkir pada tempat yang menurun. Peralatan ini sangat penting pada kendaraan dan berfungsi sebagai alat keselamatan dan menjamin untuk pengendaraan yang aman
Kendaranan tidak dapat berhenti dengan segera apa bila mesin di bebaskan (tidak di hubungkan) dengan pemindahan daya kendaraan cenderung tetap bergerak kelemahan ini harus di kurangi dengan maksud untuk menurunkan kecepatan gerak kendaraan hingga berhenti. Mesin mengubah energy panas menjadi energy kinetic ( energy gerak) untuk menggerakan kendaraan. Sebaliknya, rem merubah energy kinetic kembali menjedi energy panas untuk menghentikan kendaraan umumnya, rem bekerja di sebabkan oleh adanya system gabungan penekanan melawan system gerak putar. Efek pengereman (braking affect) di peroleh dari adanya gesekan yang di timbulkan antara dua objek.
Rem yang di pergunakan pada kendaraan bermotor dapat di golongkan menjadi beberapa tipe tergantung pada penggunaannya.
Rem kaki (foot brake) digunakan untuk mengontrol kecepatan dan menghentikan kendaraan.
Rem parkir (parking brake) ddigunakan terutama untuk memarkir kendaraan.
Rem tambahan ( auxiliary brake) digunakan pada kombinasi rem biasa (kaki) yang digunakan pada truk biasa dan kendaraan berat .
Rem kaki(foot brake) di kelompokan menjadi dua tipe : rem hidraulis (hydraulic brake) dan rem pneumatic (pneumatic brake).
Rem hidraulis lebih respun dan lebih cepat disbanding dengan tipe lainnya, dan juga kontruksinya lebih sederhana.
Rem hidraulis juga mempunyai kontruksi yang khusus dan handal (superior design flexibility). Dengan adanya keuntungan tersebut, rem hidraulis banyak di gunakan pada kendaraan penumpang dan truck ringan
System rem pneumatic termasuk kompresor atau sejenisnya yang menghasilkan udara yang bertekanan yang di gunakan untuk menambah daya pengereman. Tipe system rem ini banyak digunakan pada kendaraan berat seperti truk dan bus.
1. Master Silinder
Master silinder mengubah gerak pedal rem kedalam tekanan hidraulis. Master silinder terdiri dari reservoir tank, yang berisi minyak rem, demikian juga piston dan silinder, yang membangkitkan tekanan hidraulis.
Ada dua tipe silinder : tipe tunggal dan tipe ganda (tandem)

Master silinder tipe ganda (tandem type master cylinder) banyak di gunakan di bandingkan dengan tipe tunggal. Pada master silinder tandem, sister hidraulisnya dipisahkan menjadi dua, masing-masing untuk roda depan dan belakang.
Dengan demikian bila salah satu system tidak bekerja maka system lainnya akan tetap berfungsi dengan baik
2. Boster rem (brake booster)
Boster rem dapat dipasang menjadi satu dengan master silinder atau dapat juga dipasangkan secara terpisah dari master silinder itu sendiri. Tipe integral ini banyak di gunakan pada kendaraan penumpang dan truk kecil
3. Katup pengembang (P. valve)
Biasanya kendaraan yang mesinya terletak di depan, bagian depannya lebih berat dibandingkan dengan bagian belakangnya. Bila kendaraan di rem maka titik pusat grafitasi akan pindah kedepan bergerak maju di sebabkan dengan adanya daya inrtia, dank arena adanya beban yang besar menyatu pada bagian depan.
4. System rem antilock
rem antil-lock ini di ciptakan tidak hanya untuk mencegah terkuncinya roda-roda belakang selama pengereman secara tiba-tiba, tetapi juga untuk mengontrol roda-roda depan agar kendaraan tidak berputar serta menjaga pengendalian kemudi dengan baik.
5. Rem tromol
Pada tipe rem tromol, kekuatan tenaga pengereman di peroleh dari sepatu rem yang diam menekan permuakaan tromol bagian dalam yang berputar bersama-sama dengan roda.
Karena self-energizing action* di timbulkan oleh tenaga purat tromol dan tenaga mengembangnya sepatu, kekuatan tenaga pengereman yang besar di akibatkan oleh usaha pedasl yang relative kecil.
6. Rem cakram
Rem cakram (disc brake) pada dasarnya terdiri dari cakram yang terbuat besi tuang (disc rotor) yang berputar dengan roda dan bahan gesek (dalam hal ini disc pad) yang mendorong dan menjepit cakram. Daya pengereman di hasilkan oleh adanya gesekan antara disc pad dan cakram
Komponen : - piringan-pad rem

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Facedown--the red jumpsuit apparatus

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.

Cover up with make up in the mirror
tell yourself, it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.

I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

Face down in the dirt, she said,
this doesn't hurt, she said,
I finally had enough.

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
he's coming round again.
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

Face down in the dirt, she said,
this doesn't hurt, she said,
I finally had enough.

Guardian Angel-- The reds jumpsuit aparatus

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong
I have figured out
How this world turns cold
and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find
deep inside me
I can be the one

I will never let you fall(let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all(though it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay, stay

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
[to fade]

Pedih--Last Child

Engkau yang sedang patah hati
menangislah dan jangan ragu ungkapkan
betapa pedih hati yang tersakiti
racun yang membunuhmu secara perlahan
Engkau yang saat ini pilu
betapa menanggung beban kepedihan
tumpahkan sakit itu daam tangismu
yang menusuk relung hati yang paling dalam
Hanya diri sendiri
yang tak mungkin orang lain akan mengerti
Disini ku temani kau dlam tangis mu
bila air mata dapat cairkan hati
kan kucabut duri pedih dalam hatimu
agar ku lihat senyum di tidurmu malam nanti
anggaplah semua ini satu langkah dewasakan diri
dan takterpungkiri bagi...
Engkau yang hartinya terluka
dipeluk lestapa tersapu derita
seiring saat keringnya air mata
tak mampu menahan pedih yang takada habisnya
Back to: bridge
Back to: bridge
Engkau yang sedang patah hati

Memories of You--Last Child

I see the childis part of me
When i start losing my mine of you
And i try to runaway from you
To hit back what you have done to me
And someday you will know the truth
You see me walk with someone new
Seems like yesterday when you get to hurt me
Make me dying with all my lonelynase who try to killing me
I still remember all the memories between you and me
I do every crazy thing it just to make me, you happy
But know i'm not affraid to hurt by someone else
And i'm laughing if i remember learn to smoking when your gone
I never guess to be like this
Fell nasty when you give me a kiss
And i brake my world around of you
From deeply i wanna said fuck you
And someday you will know the truth
You see me walk with someone new
Seems like yesterday when you get to hurt me
Make me dying with all my lonelynase who try to killing me

I still remember all the memories between you and me
I do every crazy thing it just to make me, you happy
But know i'm not affraid to hurt by someone else
And i'm laughing if i remember learn to smoking when your gone

Diary despresiku--Last child

Intro: E B C# A
Malam ini hujan turun lagi
bersama kenangan yang ungkit luka dihati
luka yang seharusnya dapat terobati
dan kuharap takan pernah terjadi
Kuingat saat ayah pergi dan kami mulai kelaparan
hal yang biasa buat aku hidup dijalan
disaat ku belum mengerti arti sebuah percerayan
yang hancurkan semua hal indah
yang dulu pernah aku miliki
Wajar bila saat ini
ku iri pada kalian
yang hidup bahagia berkat suasana
indah dalam rumah
hal yang selalu aku bandingkan dengan
hidupku yang kelam
tiada harga diri agar hidupku terus bertahan
Intro: E-B-C#-A
Mungkin sejenak dapat aku lupakan
dengan minuman keras yang saat ini ku gengam
atau menggoreskan kaca di lengan ku
apapun kan ku lakukan ku ingin lupakan
namun ku mulai sadar dari sisa mabuk semalam
perihnya luka ini semakin dalam ku rasakan
disaat ku telah mengerti betapa indah dicintai
hal yang tak pernah kudapatkan
sejak aku hidup dijalanan
Back to : Reef
Intro: A-G#-F# 4x B
Back to reef
Tiada harga diri agar hidupku terus bertahan
outro: E-B-C#-A

Come on girl well burn money on vegas--Killing Me Inside

Were on the plane and were set to go
Fasten your seatbelt cuz we'll fly away
We'll fly away
( into the next stage we’ll fly away )
Just watch and see how we will win all of night
So captain, bring us to the next stars tonight
( into the next stage well rock you out )
Come on girl see what we got
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl just close your eyes
( cause we’re the only one )
This time to get up we’ll make this tonight
Fasten your seatbelt cause well fly away
We'll fly away
( into the next stage we’ll fly away )
Come on girl see what we got
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl just close your eyes
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl see what we got
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl just close your eyes
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl see what we got
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl just close your eyes
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl see what we got
( cause we’re the only one )
Come on girl just close your eyes
( cause we’re the only one )

Forever--Killing me inside

I hope you know
But I always try
To be a good man until my last breathe
I can pretend
The feeling for you
You make me feel like I'm free again

Let me kiss you
Let me hold you

Every step you take
Every word you say
And every game you play
I'll be watching you

'Cause my love for you forever

I rip my heart out
Want this love from you
'Cause you are the one until my last breathe
I can pretend the feeling for you
You make me feel like I'm free again

Let me kiss you
Let me hold you

Every step you take
Every word you say
And every game you play
I'll be watching you

'Cause my love for you forever, forever, forever, forever

Every step you take,
Every word you say
And every game you play
I'll be watching you

Every step you take,
Every word you say
And every game you play
I'll be watching you


blessed flower of envy--Killing me inside

I want you to realize forever
Don’t just tell that were okay
I’m on my way to bring you down
You have been writing a mistake
That is hard to be deleted
This not the first time you did that to me

You want me to be ,
You know that I cant sense your feeling
And I cant take it
Cause you’ve thrown every missing voices

And that’s the moment I had to try, to believe in your fucking lies
Your killing me and I’m trying to see , I want to set this right
And that’s the moment I had to try, to believe in your fucking lies
Your killing me and u couldn’t see into my eyes
and I’m blessed……


Time doesn’t let us to steal your words
And I cant explain

And don’t forget take back the words that you will regret
Cause I’ll be your guide to death

Watching days that overwhelming
And all the time we had

You want me to be ,
You know that I cant sense your feeling
And I cant take it
Cause you’ve thrown every missing voices

And I cant love , since you left
No ones right until I see her eyes…

Diary of past away

Save me
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust..ohh life
There's nothing left to hope for something else

Wake me on the next day that I will save
'Cause that we couldn't lived of this
This night will be our diary of past away

Fell the city were burning off
And six chopper were going down
Loads of army were shooting out
Where we suppose to? (And now)

It's sick to me
So please crow whisper that we had
Should we be still leave or live
And bring with all mistake behind

Look everyone's singing
Singing with their empty eyes
Please guys take the air to breathe
'Cause we still have to stay in

Like your eyes
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust..ohh life
There's nothing left to hope for something else

Your eyes [ 4x ]

Sometimes I feel
Everything was all mistakes
Tonight I feel the sorrow
Like your eyes
Like my fantasies real
And come into me

Just like the bird fly with their broken wings
We need aid to alive for each other and
We try to believe for our independence but, sometimes I try to face it
The reality were alone even people were running on
Owh so scary and teriffy we bringing into
Hey nightmare, so please believe in me now
We're all drawing out to youuu...

Kamu--Killing Me Inside

Intro : C G# D# Bb 2x
G# D#
Ku berjalan hingga bosan
Bb D#
Yang aku rasakan
G# D#
Kali ini ku temukan
Bb D#
Artinya hadirmu
Reff :
Kamu Kamu
Sejukkan hatiku
Kamu Kamu
Bintang dihatiku
Dan kamu disini
Saat dia telah pergi
Tak sanggup ku sendiri
G# A#
Tanpamu disisiku
G# D#
Ku akui ku terlahir
Bb D#
Untuk bersamamu
G# D#
Takkan bisa ku berdiri
Bb D#
Tanpamu disini
Reff :
Kamu Kamu
Sejukkan hatiku
Kamu Kamu
Bintang dihatiku
Dan kamu disini
Saat dia telah pergi
Tak sanggup ku sendiri
G# A#
Tanpamu disisiku
Reff :
Kamu Kamu
Sejukkan hatiku
Kamu Kamu
Bintang dihatiku
Kamu Kamu
Sejukkan hatiku
Kamu Kamu
Bintang dihatiku
Kamu Kamu
Sejukkan hatiku
Kamu Kamu
Bintang dihatiku

Biarlah--Killing Me Inside

intro : C G G# A# 2x
Semua yang berlalu
G# A#
Telah menjadi kenangan
Dan seakan kulupakan
G# A#
Karena ku tak sejalan
C G G# A#
Wowowo . . . .
*courtesy of
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
G# A#
Meski telah ku coba
Semuanya tak berguna
G# A#
Terbuang sia-sia
Reff :
D# G# C Bb
Dirimu dihatiku sudah terlalu lama
D# G# C Bb
Biarlah ku mencoba untuk tinggalkan semua
C G G# A#
Wowowo . . . .
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
G# A#
Meski telah ku coba
Semuanya tak berguna
G# A#
Terbuang sia-sia
Back to reff
G# C 2x Bb
Back to reff 2x

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

The Tormented--Killing Me Inside

For the last time
You waste my tears now
No more torment
But don't just say you've gone away
You tell a fucking tale
( Swallow me and spit me out )
How do I get trough of this ?
( I can't stand it anymore )
Can, you, see, me....
Smiling when I sing this song
Right, now.....
I just want to be alive
You know I was dying when you told me
( That I’m not yours anymore )
You know I was dying when you told me
(just playing and fooling around with me )
When the time she comes and wakes me
( She comes and wakes me )
And when she bit my lips and kissed me there
And when she holds my hand and lives my life tonight
( Live tonight )
When she said that she really love me
Were the worst fucking days
I'm dying and bleeding of my past
I'm dying and bleeding of my past
Now sit my throat and let me bleed
Now sit my throat and let me bleed
Back to (*)(**)(***)

But suddenly you came to me, and begged me to be yours together
Right now you're holding my hand but sorry baby, but all I can say is
No, hell no...!!!
Can you see the times grows older
She blew my dreams away
It's all done, the time is over
I don't know how to say to you
Can you see the times grows older
She blew my dreams away
It's all done, the time is over
I don't know how to say to you

The time is over !!!
The time, NO !!!

Hate To Miss Some One--Still Virgin

one night I stand I remind of you
our hope and dream
tears in my eyes
when you gone so fast
when I realized
you know I can be perfect

I feal from you
you make me like I cant stand with you
you make me like I cant live with you
I cant hold your hand
so please don’t let me down

I try to be a stronger
when I know everything over
every time I feel
every day I think
I never see you once again

I know I cant be stronger
even I try to forget you
oh no I missing you
I need its you
so please don’t make me feel like..

I keep you in my heart

Back to; (*)
I miss your smile I miss your face
I need you hear I need your hugs

in every night in everyday
like you want me to be

I miss you voice I miss your laugh
I need you hear I need your hug
in every night in everyday
is you

you know everything is you 3X
You know everything...
You know everything...
is you...

In Dying Days-- As Blood Runs Black

ey: Eb

Tuning: Standard EADGBe

Chords used:
Cm - x35543
G# - 466544
G - 320033
Bb - x13331

Intro: Cm--G#-Bb-Cm--G#--Cm--G#-G-Cm--G#--Cm(hold)

Verse 1:
Leaders are hard to come by
G# G
followers are omnipresent
Satisfied with a
Mediocre lifestyle
G# Cm
Satisfied! No one is setting
a path for us to follow
G# Bb
no ones striving to be on top
Cm Eb
No one is setting a
G# Bb
path for us to follow

we will all fall
in the end
In dying days!
The path has been set
you're leading far astray
Far Astray!
The path has been set
you're leading far astray
Far Astray!


In Darkness!
Unfortunate as u may be,
you'll never see the light.
Someone must rise above,
someone must precede.
Unfortunate, you must precede!
Leaders are hard to come by,
followers are omnipresent.
Satisfied with a mediocre lifestyle,
No one is setting a path for us to follow,
we will all fall in the end.
In dying days
As the time to rise approaches
No one will take responsibility

Tuhan Telah Mati--Forgotten

Hilang sudah logika
Terbakar oleh dusta
Mereka hina dan nista
Terjerat oleh dunia

Mati Logika, putuslah asa, sembah dunia
Kotor media, racuni jiwa, halalkan dosa

Tuhan telah mati (4x)

Mati Logika, putuslah asa, sembah dunia

Persetan semua ajarannya
Jadikan nyata hancurkan dosa
Hiduplah dengan rakusnya dunia
Habiskan semua sampah logika

Tuhan telah mati (4x)

Hilang sudah logika
Terbakar oleh dusta
Mereka hina dan nista
Terjerat oleh dunia

Jangan pernah--Speak up

Saat teriakan dirimu
bagai bunga di musim semi
tersenyum menatap indahnya dunia
yang sering temani diri ku
dan temani setiap langkahku
berdua kita lewati semua
percayalah padaku aku
aku bukan seperti aku yang dulu lagi
ku kan mengerti dirimu
hapus cerita lalu
dan cobalah untuk selalu mencintaiku
dan jangan pernah lari dari ku
ingatlah ku kan slalu untuk mu
slalu disamping mu
menemani setiap mimpimu
dan takan pernah jauh dari mu
walau hanya tuk sesaat saja aku takan bisa
jangan pernah...
Back to: Bridge, Reff

Llia--Speak Up

Sinar mentari berganti malam
semulan membiaskan sinar hidupnya
terlihat rangkayan gugus-gugus bintang
terlukis indah di bentangan angkasa
betapa indah tuhan menciptakan mu
dengan segala renumu
teraihlah gelapnya dunia terpaku
dengan indahnya senyummu

Terlukis indah wahai wajah dirimu
menghiasi gelap menjadikan terang
malaikat engakau rada wahai wanita
tebarlah kasihmu relakan dunia
betepa indah tuhan menciptakan mu
dengan segala renumu
Tersenyum lahhhhhhh
Sinar mentari berganti malam
semulan membiaskan sinar hidupnya
terlihat rangkayan gugus-gugus bintang
terlukis indah di bentangan angkasa

Sweet as revenge--langkah

Jiwa ini meneriakkan
Mimpi-mimpi terkekang
Bukan tanpa makna kubicara
Rapuh jiwa meronta

Yakinkan diri
Dengan nurani
Rasa takutpun kan pergi
Hanya berani yang mengiringi

Dan waktupun tak berhenti, saat kita sadari
Semua telah terlewati
Kujalani mimpi pasti, cerita kan terkenang
Terlukis indah di masa depan

Teriak hatiku, gemakan suaramu
Kita hilangkan harapan semu
Lepaskan semua
Apa yang kaurasa
Berjalan apa adanya

Telah terbuka
(Jalan tuk kita lalui)
Bagi semua
(Menuju harapan pasti)

Yakinkan diri
Dengan nurani
Rasa takutpun kan pergi
Hanya berani yang mengiringi

Bukan tanpa makna kubicara
Rapuh jiwa meronta
Dan waktu pun tak berhenti
Saat rasamu tersiksa
Perlahan ragu kan terbakar
Iringi mimpi kan jadi nyata

Teriakkan hatimu
Gemakan suaramu
Dan hilangkan ragumu
Yakinkan kau mampu

Sweet as Revenge--potret kehampaan

Semua telah hilang… potret kehampaan
Apa yang kutakutkan kini menjadi nyata
Tersisa hanyalah
Sesal tak habisnya
Kebodohan yang memaksa
Membuatku nista
Namun percuma meyakinkanmu
Kau memutarkan fakta
Pengorbanan tak lagi berarti
Telah kucoba dengar semua hanya alasan
Terpuruk dalam pedihku yakin
Kau kembali dengannya
Kulenyapkan semua puisi omong kosongmu
Menorehkan tinta penuh duka
Kini ku tak berdaya
Hanya menunggu harapan yang sirna
Menanti asa yang tak kunjung tiba
Membuat cerita berakhir nestapa
Muakku adalah goresan hatiku
Namun percuma meyakin
Kau memutarkan fakta
Pengorbanan tak lagi berarti
Back to Reef:
Deritaku tak ada habisnya
Kan kubawa hingga semanis pembalasanku… nanti
Tiada bicara
Aroganmu meronta
Terdiamku setengah mati
Back to reef 2x

Sweet as Revenge--Serenade

That thought never cross my mind
That you could leave
And vanish into nothingness
Left us alone

I shall never forget the moment that I heard the news of you
Nothing gonna be the same again
I never thought that all the problems you kept in had a glimpse of truth

These words and these melodies I write for you
Inscribed in our hearts we scream for you

You never be alone again
Cos this serenade I sing for you
Will be your guardian angel
Watching over your endless sleep

Every now and then your smile
Appears before me
Only then I realize it's all just a dream
Your ghost still linger upon us
As it watches over
My every step

These words and these melodies I write for you
Inscribed in our hearts we scream for you

You never be alone again
Cos this serenade I sing for you
Will be your guardian angel
Watching over your endless sleep


You never be alone again
Cos this serenade I sing for you
Will be your guardian angel
Watching over your endless sleep

My Sweet Lullaby--Sweet As Revenge

Haven't you heard about a fairy tale?
At a winter's night end of the year in five
The given one land to the world and now
Haven't you received a message from her?
................................................. C
That she's writing down on the wall with words of luck and stars
And you know, it's all just lies

To show you I missed
Those words out from your lips
You're a curse you're my gift
I wipe all your tears
At the side of the hill
When you felt all your fears

Please tell me all Your alibis you left (This suffering comes twice)
Sweet lullaby your angel lies you sing (I dream of you tonight)
The world collide I still survive you have (My heart and ripped it out)
We're breaking up you watch me fall (It's so fragile inside)

Oh glory brightest son of life
Stop dropping me down
Don't take away don't kill the light

And now I've gone blind
And now if I owe you one I soon will refund
I'd rather stand with broken arms than feel my heart burn

I wipe all your tears
At the side of the hill
When you felt all your fears

Leave me alone

It's all just lies
Why can't you just leave?

Black veil brides--knife and pen

Alone at last, we can sit and fight.
And I've lost all faith in this blurring light,
But stay right here we can change our plight.
We're storming through this despite what's right.

One final fight, for this tonight.
With knives and pens we made our plight.

Lay your heart down the ends in sight.
Conscience begs for you to do what's right.
Everyday it's still the same dull knife,
Stab it through and justify your pride.

One final fight, for this tonight.
With knives and pens we made our plight.
And I can't go on without your love, you lost, you never held on.
We tried out best... Turn out the light,
Turn out the light.

One final fight, for this tonight.
With knives and pens we made our plight.
And I can't go on without your love, you lost, you never held on.
We tried out best... Turn out the light,
Turn out the light.

Black veil brides--perfect weapon


Awake at night you focus,
On everyone whose hurt you,
And write a list of targets,
Your violent lack of virtue.

Leave us alone!
You're on your own!

We are breathing,
While you're sleeping, go, (GO! )
And leave us alone,
The lines cheated,
Our hearts beating, go, (GO! )
And now you're on your own.

Here's to your perfect weapon,
Crack bones with blind aggression,
Like birds whose wings are broken,
You live without direction.

Leave us alone!
You're on your own!

We are breathing,
While your sleeping, go, (GO! )
And leave us alone,
The lines cheated,
Our heart's beating, go, (GO! )
And now you're on your own.

And now you're on your own!
And leave us alone! (ahahahahahaha)

We are breathing,
While your sleeping, go, (GO! )
And leave us alone,
The lines cheated,
Our heart's beating, go, (GO! )
And now you're on your own.

Diamond’s are forever--Bring Me The Horizon

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead
We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead
We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking...

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead
We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead

I refuse! I refuse!
I refuse to close my eyes

I have loved, and I have lost
I have turned, and I have tossed
I have listened, and I have watched
I've gave into this for long enough
I have lost, and I have loved
Sleep has stolen far too much
So don't close your eyes, not just yet
Sleep is just a cousin of death

I've said it before, and I'll say it again
If you think you're alive then you're better off dead
I've said it before, and I'll say it again
If you think you're alive then you're better off...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again
If you think you're alive then you're better off dead
I've said it before, and I'll say it again
If you think you're alive then you're better off dead

I have loved, and I have lost
I have turned, and I have tossed
I have listened, and I have watched
I've gave into this for long enough
I have lost, and I have loved
Sleep has stolen far too much
So don't close your eyes, not just yet
Sleep is just a cousin of death

So throw your diamonds in the sky, we'll stay gold forever
So throw your diamonds in the sky, we'll stay gold forever

I can promise you one thing: death will take us all
I can promise you one thing: you will die alone

We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead
We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead

I refuse! I refuse!
I refuse to close my eyes

Bring Me The Horizon - It Never Ends Lyrics

It stated off with a one night stand and leaded to a fling
I'm sorry to all the soilders who didn't see me as a fake
All you feel and all you want you still need your blood
Talons raised diffrent now you're upto no good
Take my hand show me the way heal all the children they are great
Take my hand show me the way heal all the children that make me sing
One more nail in the coffin one more for the grave
One more time i'm on my knees trying to walk away
How has it come to this
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times
That i'm ok that i'm fine that its all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me and i can't seem to sleep
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times

You said it's a suicide and this is a war
When i rode into battle
This is, this is oh.
This is what you call love this is our war our cause
One more nail in the coffin one more for the ground
One more time i'm on my knees trying to walk away
Everything i've loved everything i lost
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times
That i'm ok that i'm fine that its all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me and i can't seem to sleep
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Bring Me The Horizon

Bring Me The Horizon - It Never Ends Lyrics

It stated off with a one night stand and leaded to a fling
I'm sorry to all the soilders who didn't see me as a fake
All you feel and all you want you still need your blood
Talons raised diffrent now you're upto no good
Take my hand show me the way heal all the children they are great
Take my hand show me the way heal all the children that make me sing
One more nail in the coffin one more for the grave
One more time i'm on my knees trying to walk away
How has it come to this
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times
That i'm ok that i'm fine that its all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me and i can't seem to sleep
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times

You said it's a suicide and this is a war
When i rode into battle
This is, this is oh.
This is what you call love this is our war our cause
One more nail in the coffin one more for the ground
One more time i'm on my knees trying to walk away
Everything i've loved everything i lost
I've said it once i've said it twice i've said it a thousand fucking times
That i'm ok that i'm fine that its all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me and i can't seem to sleep
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
Its not just your alone with me its just you'll never leave
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
We never rest we never end
Bring Me The Horizon

Chelsea Smile--Bring Me The Horizon

I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs
And I'm gonna keep it
I know something you don't know
It sits in silence, eats away at me
It feeds like cancer
This guilt could fill a fucking sea
Pulling teeth, wolves at my door
Now falling and failing is all I know
This disease is getting worse
I counted my blessings, now I count this curse
The only thing i really know
I can't sleep at night
I'm buried and breathing in regret Yeah !
The only thing i really know
I can't sleep at night
I'm buried and breathing in regret 2X
I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs
And i'm gonna keep it
I know something you don't know 2X
I may look happy, but honestly dear, the only way
I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear
I see the vultures, they watch me bleed
The lick their lips, as all the shame spills out of me
Repent! Repent!
The end is night!
Repent! Repent!
We're all gonna die!
Repent! Repent!
These secret will kill us!
So get on your knees, and pray for....
Repent! Repent!
The end is night!
Repent! Repent!
We're all gonna die!
Repent! Repent!
These secret will kill us!
So get on your knees, and pray for forgiveness!

We all carry these thing inside that no one else can see
They hold us down like anchors
they drown us out at sea
I look you to the sky, there may be nothing there to see
But if I don't belive in him
Why would he belive in me ?
Why would he belive in me ?
Why would he belive in me ?
Why would he belive in me ?
Why would he belive in me ?
I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs
And i'm gonna keep it
I know something you don't know
I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs
And i'm gonna keep it
I know something you will never now
You will never know
I know something you don't know